Hebrew: רמי אתר
Professor and Lady Davis Chair in Science
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technion
email: rami@technion.ac.il
snail mail: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel
phone: (972) 73 378 4735
office location: 657 Meyer Building
research interests: probability theory its applications
active research projects:
– large deviations and model robustness via Renyi divergence
– the measure-valued Skorohod map
– diffusion scale and large deviation scale analysis of queueing and related models
– measure-valued processes and control in heavy traffic regimes
– PDE techniques in stochastic control and differential games
courses being taught or recently taught
editorial service – current: AMO; past: AAP, AOP, MMOR, MOR, and QUESTA